Laboratoire Traitement du Signal et Instrumentation, UMR CNRS 5516,

Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne, France


International workshop on

Embedded reconfigurable architectures for applied cryptography

- CryptArchi 2003



Saint-Victor-sur-Loire castle near Saint-Etienne

January 9, 10, 11 2003



The workshop is organized in the frame of French national research program ACI Cryptologie and as a part of the project CryptArchi: Embedded Architectures for Applied Cryptography.


Aims of the workshop:

1. Exchange of information about research activities of participants

2. Discussion of the problems concerning embedding of a complete cryptographic system in reconfigurable devices
   - control and security aspects
   - architecture aspects
   - protocol aspects
   - key generation and key management aspects

3. Proposition of the structure of an ideal reconfigurable device aimed for cryptographic applications

4. Proposition of the architecture of an embedded cryptographic system based on available reconfigurable device families

5. Definition of problems concerning complete and secure embedded cryptographic system design based on reconfigurable devices


Program of the workshop:

WENSDAY January 8th 2003:


- 19.00

Arrival of participants to the TSI laboratory in Saint-Etienne


19.00 - 20.00

Displacement of participants to Saint-Victor sur Loire


20.00 -

Dinner in the restaurant of the castle


THURSDAY January 9th 2003:


8.00 - 9.00



9.00 - 12.30

Presentation of participants (about 20 minutes per participant or group)


13.00 - 14.30



15.00 - 18.30

Invited talks, see the list of topics and their attribution to participants


20.00 -



FRIDAY January 10th 2003:


8.00 - 9.00



9.00 - 12.30

Visit of TSI Laboratory and of ISTASE


13.00 - 14.30



15.00 - 18.00

Invited talks, see the list of topics and their attribution to participants


18.00 - 19.00

Conclusions and perspectives


20.00 -



 SATURDAY January 11th 2003:


8.00 - 9.00



9.00 - 12.00

Visit of the region Beaujolais near Lyon


12.00 - 13.00

Visit of the old town of Lyon


13.00 - 14.30



15.00 - 18.30

Sightseeing tour to St.-Etienne


20.00 -



 SUNDAY January 12th 2003:


8.00 - 9.00



9.00 -

Departure of participants



The TSI Laboratory has invited following persons:

Guido Bertoni Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Pawel Chodowiec George Mason University, Fairfax, USA
Milos Drutarovsky Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia
Viktor Fischer Université de Saint-Etienne, France
Jacques Fournier Gemplus, France
Kris Gaj George Mason University, Fairfax, USA
Çetin K. Koç Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA
Guy Motyl Université de Saint-Etienne, France
Michaël Nève Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Jan Pelzl Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Jan Schmidt Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech republic
Kai Schramm Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Berk Sunar Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
Thomas Wollinger Ruhr University Bochum, Germany


Presentation of the "state of the art": CLDs in cryptography





Guido Bertoni

Security requirements for cryptographic modules (FIPS 140) in relationship with a CLD application


Berk Sunar

Bit-Parallel Architectures for Binary Extension Fields


C. K. Koç

Efficient Unified Arithmetic for Public-Key Cryptography with Hardware Implementations


Berk Sunar

Unification of Cryptographic Architectures


P. Chodowiec

Parameters of recent CLD families: XILINX


V. Fischer

Parameters of recent CLD families: ALTERA


M. Simka

IP blocks for cryptography - state-of-the-art


P. Chodowiec

Run-time reconfiguration - introduction and state-of-the-art


M. Drutarovsky

Implementation of Hardware (True) Random Number Generators (TRNGs) in Reconfigurable Devices


M. Nève

Introduction to Side Channel Cryptanalysis


J. Fournier

Secure Architectures: Requirements and Assesment


T. Wollinger

How well are FPGA suited for cryptographic application?



Discussion about the design of embedded architectures for applied cryptography based on recent CLD families: solutions and problems to be solved:

Since an ideal CLD specified in previous discussion does not exist we will try to specify architectures of embedded cryptographic systems based on recent CLDs with characteristics as close as possible to an ideal system. Some problems to be solved should arise from this discussion.



Saint-Victor-sur-Loire - the workshop place:

At the west of Saint-Etienne, 15 km from the center of the town, the village of Saint-Victor-sur-Loire was built on a rocky spur, which dominates the Gorges of the Loire River and the Grangent Lake. Fortified village, Saint-Victor-sur-Loire keeps from the middle age period a castle (conference site), some shaded narrow streets and a roman church.

Moreover its rich historical patrimony, Saint-Victor-sur-Loire is also the port of Saint-Etienne and one of the most important French inland marinas with 300 sites.

The castle is surrounded with a small park. Jazz concerts are organized in a small theatre situated in the park. There are two conference rooms available in the castle. A small art gallery is used to organize expositions of regional artists. The restaurant of the castle with a very nice bird's-eye view of the river valley can accommodate about 50 persons.


Access to the TSI Laboratory Saint-Etienne:

Saint-Etienne is the second biggest town of the Region Rhône-Alpes. The town is situated in the center of France, about 60 km from Lyon. The TSI Laboratory is situated in La Métare city area (in the Internet site follow >Plan d'accès).

The best way to come to Saint-Etienne from abroad is to come to Paris (Roissy Airport) and to take the fast train (TGV) to Saint-Etienne. The journey lasts 2h50.


For additional information please contact:

Viktor Fischer
Laboratoire TSI
23, Rue Paul Michelon
42 023 Saint-Etienne Cedex 2

Phone: (+33) 4 77 48 50 15
Fax: (+33) 4 77 48 50 39

Mail: fischer(at)

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