Teaching activities

Since september 2013, I am head of the Master in computer science of the university of Saint-Etienne, all the information on this master can be found here (french speaking students). This master has one track taught both in english and french: Données et Syst&eagrave;mes Connectés (translated as Data and Connected Systems). It has also two full international tracks Machine Learning and Data Mining (MLDM) and Cyber-Physical Social Systems - all the courses are taught in english.


  • Advanced algorithms: Master Web Intelligence (including MLDM track)
  • Design and Analysis of algorithms: Master ERASMUS MUNDUS CIMET
  • Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning: Master ERASMUS MUNDUS CIMET
  • Introduction to Machine Learning: Master Web Intelligence
  • Machine Learning II: Master Web Intelligence (including MLDM track)
  • Imperative programming 2 in C: 2nd year of computer science Bsc degree