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Presented talks

Authors, titles and slides of the talks in chronological order

01- S. Tiran, A. Dehbaoui, P. Maurine Magnitude Squared Coherence based SCA
02- J.L. Danger Some Results about the Disctinction of Side-Channel Distinguishers based on Distributions
03- J. Francq, J.B. Rigaud, A. Wurcker Side-Channel Analysis of the SHA-3 Finalists on SASEBO
04- P. Bayon, L. Bossuet, A. Aubert, V. Fischer, F. Poucheret, B. Robisson, P. Maurine Electromagnetic Attacks on Ring Oscillator-Based True Random Number Generator
05- P. Maistri, S. Tiran, A. Dehbaoui,P. Maurine, J.M. Dutertre Countermeasures against EM Analysis
06- P. Maurine, A. Dehbaoui, F. Poucheret, J.M. Dutertre, B. Robisson, A. Tria Electromagnetic Transient Faults Injection
07- F. Regazzoni Towards the Automatic Application of Countermeasures Against Physical Attacks
08- A. Moradi, O. Mischke Glitch-free Implementation of Masking in Modern FPGAs
09- S. Bhasin Optimal FPGA Implementations a of very low-cost Countermeasure based on Rotating S-Boxes Masking Countermeasure
10- S. Guilley, C. Carlet, H. Maghrebi, J.L. Danger, E. Prouff Leakage Squeezing -- Defeating Instantaneous (d+1)th-order Correlation Power Analysis with Strictly Less Than d Masks
11- P. Cotret, G. Gogniat, J.P. Diguet, J. Crenne Self-Reconfigurable Security-Enhanced Communications in FPGA-based MPSoCs
12- S. Malipatlolla, T. Feller, S. Huss Partially Reconfigurable TPM Architectures as the Security Anchors of future Embedded IT Systems
13- M.J. Sepulveda, G. Gogniat, W. Jiang, M.s Strum, R. Pires, C. Pedraza NoC-based Dynamic Security Implementation for Multi-Application SoC
14- W. Schindler Security Evaluation of RNGs - The Updated Evaluation Guidelines AIS 20 and AIS 31
15- A. Cherkaoui, V. Fischer, A Aubert, L. Fesquet A Novel True Random Numbers Generator using Self-Timed Rings
16- P. Haddad, F. Bernard, V. Fischer On the Way to Monitor Random Number Generation
17- P.L. Cayrel Recent Progress in Code-based Cryptography
18- K. Gaj, J.P. Kaps, B. Y. Brewster, J. Pham, E. Homsirikamol, R. Velegalati ATHENa 2.0 and ATHENa Database of Results
19- J. Hlavac, M. Platonov, R. Lorencz PUF on a Simple Microcontroller

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